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Custom-made artwork

I offer custom-made skateboards for you to either ride or hang on the wall. Custom-made artwork is about creating something original. Depending on whether you want my artwork on a skateboard deck, longboard, surfboard, canvas or you might have some other ideas on how to utilize my skills. Choose your own medium based on your own personal needs. 

If you’re interested in having a uniquely painted or designed Lucie Blaze artwork, then take a look at the custom-made skateboards above. You can also explore my Collections to see what elements you want to add to your painting or design. When ready, please fill out your details in the form below.

Get a Quote

So, you’re keen for your own unique piece of Lucie Blaze's work?

Let’s get started then! First up I need to find out as much as possible about what you want, where and when. 


If there’s anything extra you need to let me know about make sure you give me the info in the ‘Brief’ comments box.

Thanks for your enquiry. I'll be in touch.

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